Artistic Photography and Shooting What You Love
Do you have an artistic vision for your photos, but are worried you won’t attract clients because york work is “different” than the norm? According to today’s podcast guest, it’s perfectly okay to be different.
Jason Vinson is one of the top 100 wedding photographers in North America. Based in Arkansas, he and his wife Chasnie create unique and innovative images together for their clients.
In this episode, Jason talks about how he is able to attract clients that both love and look for his creative work by constantly posting the style that he and his wife love to photograph. We also chat about writing for photography education website Fstoppers, and his favorite pieces of gear.
The Takeaways
- In order to be prepared, have a backlog of ideas in your head to try something new at a wedding or photo session for artistic photography.
- Jason betters his work by taking time to study and observe natural light, and how to replicate it with strobes or gels.
- When using social media, only show what you want to photograph more of, like more artistic photography.
- When using Instagram, take time to interact with your followers by liking and commenting on their photos, and responding to messages. People like interacting with a real person.
- It’s okay to be different than whatever is popular! But you might have to do a little more client education so they understand what they are getting.
Connect with Jason Vinson
Jason Vinson’s articles at Fstoppers:
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