How Do You Make Personal Work Profit?
Have you ever had your personal work go viral? Did you know that there are ways to make personal work profit?
Ashleigh Bing has, and in this Episode of the Bearded Tog Podcast, she shares what it’s like to have a project take off and gather so much attention.
Ashleigh has been featured on Inside Edition, The Huffington Post, ABC News, CBS, NBC, Good Morning America, and the Today show just to name a few.
At the end of the day, even with all the fame, she remains the same person she was before and is excited to work with clients who like her for who she is. It’s a great conversation and not one to miss!
Ashleigh’s Takeaways
- Sometimes we may have to work 60 hours a week to avoid working 40 at a regular job, but Ashleigh celebrates that she has clients and gets to work on a Saturday or a Sunday doing what she loves.
- She only shoots portrait and branding sessions on weekdays, because if people will take off time for work to go to the doctor, then they can take off work to get their photos done.
- As an entrepreneur, you are interviewing for the next job every time you work. It can be hard to maintain a lifestyle not knowing when you are next going to get work. So every wedding is an interview for the next one because your next client could be watching.
- In her Boudoir photography, she emphasizes showing what the women love and celebrate about themselves.
- Her website has been designed to be a direct reflection of her and the clients she photographs. She likes showing that there’s more diversity in this world then what you typically see in magazines or on Pinterest.
- She doesn’t have a blog because writing posts wasn’t something she wanted to spend time on or do. Her business is doing fine without it.
- When you do many weddings, having your process ironed out is super important.
- She didn’t take the photos of her parents for their wedding anniversary to make it go viral. She did this project because it was important to her, and it happened to go viral.
- After going viral, theirs assumed she would raise her prices and take advantage of being a celebrity, but Ashleigh didn’t because she isn’t doing this work to be able to charge an arm and a leg. She wants people to work with her because they like her and want to work with her, not people who are just looking for a name photographer.
- Being viral may have changed others perspective of her, but at the end of the day, she’s till Ashleigh.
Ashleigh’s Parents’ Anniversary Photo Session
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