Creating an authentic community through instagram

Walk with Locals with Carl Maynard

Do you felt like you lack an authentic community? Carl Maynard and I have both been there. We’ve attended Instagram meetups, or networking events and left feeling like we were not good enough.

Carl wanted a place for people to meet each other and form friendships without the popularity contest of social media. He founded the Washington D.C. meetup Walk With Locals organically with friends and a few strangers. The goal of the walks is to simply be about community, without anyone being asked for their social media handle or how many followers they had. Walk with Locals has grown into a thriving group, with many real friendships being formed

In this episode of The Bearded Tog Podcast, Carl and I chat about how he launched Walk With Locals, and what to do to form your own community.

How to Start your own Community

  • Don’t overthink it if you want to start your own local community meetups. The key is to just start.
  • Reach out to local shops to find places to host the meetup.
  • Use the get together as an excuse for locals to visit or try new things in the area.
  • Be proactive in personally inviting people to come, and
  • Be sure to consider the logistics of the locations you want to host your walk at and make sure it’s easy and feasible for people to join.
  • Remember it doesn’t matter who people are, everyone is welcome. The only thing they need to do is show up and be there.  

Connect with Carl
@Carlnard on Instagram


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