Since moving to the District, I’ve absolutely loved getting to explore the city and photograph weddings in incredible venues. Jason & Katie’s Josephine Butler Parks Center wedding last week was absolutely gorgeous and although it was cold, their 1920s top-hat, fur coat and birdcage all made for a glamorous and cool day.

Their wedding was intimate was vows and singing hymns but also lively and fun with a traditional song and arrival of a Chinese dragon! It was so cool! Here are a few of my favorite images from Jason & Katie’s wedding at Josephine Butler Parks Center in Washington DC!

josephine butler parks center wedding in January by Washington DC Wedding Photographer Adam Mason josephine butler parks center wedding in January by Washington DC Wedding Photographer Adam Mason josephine butler parks center wedding in January by Washington DC Wedding Photographer Adam Mason josephine butler parks center wedding in January by Washington DC Wedding Photographer Adam Mason josephine butler parks center wedding in January by Washington DC Wedding Photographer Adam Mason josephine butler parks center wedding in January by Washington DC Wedding Photographer Adam Mason josephine butler parks center wedding in January by Washington DC Wedding Photographer Adam Mason josephine butler parks center wedding in January by Washington DC Wedding Photographer Adam Mason


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Want to tell me more about your wedding or get pricing information? I’d love to chat! Or email me directly:

Adam is local to Washington, DC and is currently booking 2018 and 2019 wedding photography sessions at any destination. Really, any destination!

Adam Mason frequently travels for wedding, event, and non-profit portrait sessions and has clients from coastal Maui to Iceland. To find out details regarding his upcoming travel dates to a city near you or to book a custom travel session, please contact for more information or follow along on Instagram!

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