the state of instagram tyler j mccall

The State of Instagram with Tyler J. McCall

Why is it so hard to sell on Instagram? What’s the State of Instagram today?

Instagram has changed over the years and it feels increasingly more difficult to gain the attention of even a fraction of your followers. Is Instagram still even a viable lead source for businesses? How can we convert followers to fans of our business?

In this episode returning podcast guest Tyler J McCall returns to talk about where Instagram is, how it’s changed and what modern marketing looks like in the day and age of stories.

Notes from Tyler on The State of Instagram

  • You are now the brand.  Current generations want to buy from a person.  They want to know the story and the person behind how you exist in your business.
  • If a brand is going to exist without a name behind it, it has to take on a personality and become personified.
  • People need to build connections with a brand that are not designed to sell you something as a consumer.
  • We are going to see brands pull away that are creating an experience and sharing experiences and relationships with their audience.
  • Are you willing to take a stand for something that might repel others?  When you’re willing to take a stand, you’re pushing some away, but you’re also pulling more people in and creating an audience that loves you.
  • We will always be judged no matter what.  Why don’t we show up anyway?
  • Nobody has 7 billion followers on Instagram.  You just need to appeal to a small audience of like-minded couples and clients.
  • Once you know how to get people to take action on your offer, you will be unstoppable.
  • Spend a little money, get a little uncomfortable, and show people you have buy-in.
  • Be professional now.  Your client doesn’t care that you’re going to change your invoicing system, just put your best foot forward and be confident in your business decisions.

What’s New with Instagram?

  • The majority of Instagram’s daily active users are using stories.
  • Your followers are looking for you there – think of who you could connect with!
  • There’s new stickers, polls, quizzes, etc. and this is a great way to get your audience engaging with your content.

Connect with Tyler J. McCall

Instagram:  @tylerjmccall


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