I started planning a Cape Henlopen Engagement session with Lindsay a few weeks ago and at the time we were thinking blue skies and bright sun at Lewes beach, beautiful May weather, and the nice warmth of Spring approaching. Well in this recent surprising rainy season, it was none of those things when it came to the day we were scheduled to hangout and shoot at Cape Henlopen State Park. I texted Lindsay “Hey, how do you feel about the weather? I can shoot in anything but just want to make sure you guys are comfortable with each other even if it’s cold and don’t mind the grey skies”.

Lindsay said “Hey! It’s overcast but NOT raining! We don’t mind!”

And so first we went to Herring Point in Cape Henlopen State Park and instantly it was like Brenton & Lindsay had been married 20 years. The weather didn’t matter, all that mattered was that they were together. We headed to Fort Miles after that and explored some of the buildings and tanks. There was no one there, so we had the whole place to ourselves. Perfect for an engagement session!

We went back to the beach towards the end and I asked Brenton & Lindsay how they felt about going into the water. They were both into it and I love the engagement photos we got from it! I can’t wait for these guys wedding next year but this Cape Henlopen Engagement was one for the books!

couple on lewes beach at Cape Henlopen State Park cape henlopen engagement photos in Lewes Delaware by Washington DC Wedding Photographer Adam Mason cape-henlopen-engagement-lewes-02 cape-henlopen-engagement-lewes-03 couple on lewes beach at Cape Henlopen State Park cape henlopen engagement photos in Lewes Delaware by Washington DC Wedding Photographer Adam Mason couple on lewes beach at Cape Henlopen State Park cape henlopen engagement photos in Lewes Delaware by Washington DC Wedding Photographer Adam Mason cape henlopen state park engagement photos by Washington DC Wedding Photographer Adam Mason cape henlopen state park engagement photos by Washington DC Wedding Photographer Adam Mason cape henlopen state park engagement photos by Washington DC Wedding Photographer Adam Mason cape-henlopen-engagement-lewes-09 cape-henlopen-engagement-lewes-10 cape-henlopen-engagement-lewes-11 cape-henlopen-engagement-lewes-12 cape henlopen state park engagement photos by Washington DC Wedding Photographer Adam Mason cape-henlopen-engagement-lewes-14 cape henlopen state park engagement photos by Washington DC Wedding Photographer Adam Mason cape henlopen state park engagement photos by Washington DC Wedding Photographer Adam Mason

Want to see photos when they first come out or sneak peaks from upcoming weddings? Follow me on Instagram to see the most recent images!

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