Working With Purpose and Real Moments
Chatting with Ventura California Wedding Photographer Montana Dennis in this episode on making your work matter. We’ve all done shoots and created images with selfish ambition, but what happens when we step back and truly focus on working with purpose and serving our clients?
Real moments happen. Sacred moments that can’t be recreated ever again. Montana Dennis shares his journey and how he maintains his sanity and mission while attempting to provide authentic images for couples in California and worldwide.
More from Montana on Working with Purpose
- If you don’t have unity to what you do, then you’re going to constantly be chasing the ideas of someone else.
- We’ve all plagiarized and taken ideas from others. From birth, we learn how to walk, eat, etc. by copying other people.
- What makes you come alive? You shouldn’t shoot everything – what would be sad if you didn’t get to shoot it?
- Can you bridge the gap of art versus portraiture? There are many people doing this. There is a balance that needs to happen between the ego/self-centered side and the side of working with purpose for your clients.
- If you’re chasing other photographers, that’s okay. But your mortgage doesn’t care how creative you are. Excellence doesn’t always look like copying somebody or being epic. Your clients want their stories captured. If they aren’t feeling anything when they see the photos, it doesn’t matter.
- At what point does the bridge to your creative vision get burned because of your own ego? If your clients don’t like the photos, it will never build your business.
- People will pay more for people who care more.
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Instagram: @montanadennis
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