make connections with kid noble

Kid Noble on Making Connections

Building a career in photography can be a challenge, but music photography is a whole other beast.  You have to prepare to do the work and make connections.  Traveling portrait, event, and music photographer Reginald Cunningham talks building a career, connections, photographing Lizzo, and more on the Bearded Tog!

Make Connections and Rise Up

  • Staying consistent and pushing through is super important when making connections and building a career.
  • There’s times when you’ll go to photograph an artist when they just won’t have a great performance, or won’t give you much to work with.  You have to see those as a learning experience.
  • You can always look up a venue or concert on YouTube and see what the lighting might look like.
  • Knowing what’s coming can make you a better music photographer.  Be as prepared as you can be.
  • Reginald looks up if an artist is left or right handed in order to get the best shots.
  • Attention to detail, preparation, and networking are all key for a successful career in music photography.

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Tave: Contracts, Payments, Scheduling

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