May was a month with lots of new challenges and primarily a focus on home. For most of the month Sara and I stayed local to DC as she finished up work at Little Lights and I photographed a few events and weddings in the area.

As most basement owners expect, we did have our first basement flood as new homeowners. Groundwater came up through a window well that didn’t have a drain and water came over the window. We hadn’t bought our shop vac yet so it was quite nerve wracking although it only flooded one room.  Even after getting one though (14 Gallons) it wasn’t enough to drain the well, so I ended up building a sump pump in a bucket solution that would automatically drain the well water out into the yard. Sara helped a lot and it’s been working great! I’ll seal the hole when we have a good dry week or so and the groundwater isn’t as high. Here’s my creation!

One of the highlights of May was my parents coming to visit where we had lunch at District Winery which was incredible, and went to Home Depot to get blinds for the house. They also dropped off a few of my old guitars that I haven’t had space for until now. Here they are in all their glory:

We also moved in our stuff and got a few rooms arranged as good as we could! Moved all of my office stuff, as we got a new bed and our house in order! We’re slowly but surely getting it in order but realize how much space we have and how empty it is. It’s fun to pick out new things for the house! One of the main things was getting Sara’s teacher space setup in the basement! It’s coming along nicely!

Other May things:

• Shot Elise & Matt at District Winery
• Photographed my first wedding at DC’s Willard InterContinental

district winery wedding photo ideas by Washington DC Wedding Photographer Adam Masonsunset blue ridge mountain wedding photos by Washington DC Wedding Photographer Adam MasonWillard InterContinental Wedding ceremony by Washington DC Wedding Photographer Adam Mason

Overall a fantastic month but excited for the summer!

Top 5 Mason Photography Blog Posts

These are the most visited blog posts on this month! These are always changing but it’s fun to see what is loved the most!

  1. April’s Monthly Recap! (Glad these are getting some views!)
  2. Matt & Elise at District Winery
  3. Mike & Aziza at Willard InterContinental
  4. Michael & Sabrina at Potomac Shores Golf Club
  5. Rebekah & Steven’s Blue Ridge Mountain Wedding

Top 5 The Bearded Tog Podcast Episodes

These were the top-downloaded podcast episodes this month!

  1. Achieving Ultimate Work-Life Balance with Marirosa Anderson
  2. Ask Me Anything! Favorite Gear & Apps, SEO, Marketing and More!
  3. How To Make Your Business Last with Mike Morby
  4. From Photographer to Cloudspot CEO with Gavin Wade
  5. Shooting Your First Wedding – The Gear, Emails, Tips & Tricks

• • •

I am a Washington DC Wedding Photographer who photographs unique couples who don’t look like Barbie and Ken. I’m currently booking 2018 and 2019 wedding & elopement photography sessions wherever your heart takes you.

I frequently travel for wedding, event, and non-profit portrait sessions and have clients from coastal Maui to Iceland. To find out details regarding upcoming travel dates to a city near you or to book a custom travel session, see my Travel Schedule!

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